He came 51 weeks after the birth of our beloved Katherine who passed away at six weeks old. He has brought fun, laughter and healing into our lives. Those who know him best affectionately refer to him as "Mr. Naughty Pants." He is into everything and is all boy.
We love him with our whole hearts and cannot imagine our lives with out him. Even this moment I can hear the giggles from his room. It's past ten and he should be fast asleep but he's waited up for his sister-again-and is in there talking to her.
Happy birthday, little guy! We thank God for the joy you have brought into our lives.
Happy birthday, little brother! Has it really been 3 years already? I see it all so fast: you are a baby whom I see for the first time in your life, help the family choose a name for you, see you learn to smile, say our names, crawl, play, walk, talk, pray, and even show interest in playing chess. I love you so much and to think about how much progress you are making, the milestones you have reached and that I will have the opportunity to see you meet, and especially the many things you have learned and will learn. God bless you, brother.
Happy Birthday, Hudson! We hope you have a wonderful day & NO BEING NAUGHTY! LOL
The Towne Family
Happy Birthday Hudson! In the Netherlands it's custom to congratulate all relatives for birthdays too, so Happy Hudson's birthday Ronette!
Happy Birthday Silly Boy! No Sharpies today, but maybe lots of other good stuff to distract you! LOL!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Naughty Pants!
Oh the tales that have been told in such a short little lifetime......and oh, the tales to come. LOL
What a blessing!
Hudson, dear dear, Hudson. So far today, you've already done these things:
Annoy me
Thrown your sippy cup at me
Annoyed me
Yanked your toys out of my hands and yelled "IT'S MINE!"
Annoyed me
Sprayed cleaning stuff in your mouth
Annoyed me
Climbed up in my bed when I told you not to
Annoyed me
Screamed in my face
Annoyed me
Stolen my things
The point I'm trying to make is that even though you're a pain half *cough* 7/8 *cough* of the time, I still love you, and am so greateful to have you in my life. Happy birthday.
By the way mom- he did talk to me last night. ;)
Wow, I can't believe he is 3 already. Happy Birthday Hudson! The Esposito Family loves you and wishes you a very special day full of chocolate ice cream and bicycles!
A very happy birthday to Mr. Naughty Pants, from Bad Baby and family!
Dear Hudson,
Although I will see you in less than an hour to take you and the rest of our beloved family out for your "birthday" dinner, I wanted to write to you so that you'll have something to read by me when you have mastered that skill.
You are growing up into a little boy before our eyes. Your mom and I try very hard to squint and see you as our baby. But your body is growing and your facial features are maturing. It is hard to let go of the stage of life when you really depended upon us for everything. Now here you are...almost ready to drive the car! (Just kidding...)
When your mom told me that there is virtually no where in the house that you can't reach and get what you want, I knew that we had turned a corner. Not surprisingly, in a few days we'll be swapping out your car seat for a newer one that converts to a booster. Your crib will be converted into a daybed. And, assuming we find the right one, you'll be riding on a new tricycle up and down the sidewalk.
I truly hope these changes won't mean that I'll have to give up singing to you as I put you to bed, hugging you anytime I feel like it (because I love doing that so much), or doing "lights out meatball!" with you. These are the special moments I think about when I am not with you. Let's shake hands and agree that we'll continue to do these things for another year...and then we can renegotiate the contract.
In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful Happy Birthday! See you in a little while.
Thanks for all the great birthday wishes. On the Loose greatly appreciated them. :-)
Happy Birthday Hudson! I really enjoyed the slide show of him Ronette! Soooo precious!
That is so sweet that he waited up for his sister so he could talk to her!
Hope he had a wonderful day
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