Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Sharon!

I think all of my friends know the story of my stepmom-Sharon. Fun, smiles and generosity have always characterized her. Almost exactly a year ago, Sharon was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. It was a shock to all of us who love her.

True to her form, she decided that this disease would not beat her and she embarked on a journey of treatment with her family supporting her by her side. The treatments were long and they were hard. She suffered sickness, hair loss, fatigue, burns and all that goes with being treated with chemotherapy and radiation.

Through it all, Sharon has shown us all what spunk and strength mean. She has been on countless prayer chains and is so appreciative of those prayers on her behalf. Many of you, my friends, have faithfully prayed for her and have continued to ask about her progress. My friend Michelle even sent over a meal during a week of chemo.

Today, we celebrate Sharon's birthday! We are so thankful to have had another year to spend with her. She is doing well right now! Her hair is growing in and the color is definitely back in her cheeks. She knows that the Lord holds the number of her days in His hands and she is thanking Him for each one that He allows her to enjoy her family.

We all love you, Sharon and we all continue to pray that the Lord will see fit to give you many more birthdays!

Happy Birthday!



Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute! Glad she's doing so much better

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Ronette! Happy Birthday, Sharon!

Brenna said...

Grandma Sharon really is a great woman- her belief that she can do it has helped her going a long way.