Friday, March 6, 2009

Special Delivery

My husband has been traveling lately. In fact, he's travelled more in the past few months than he has our entire married life. We've spent more nights apart in the past several months than in our entire 19 years combined!

It's been hard on all of us. He misses the balance that family life adds to his perspective of work. The kids miss their dad. I miss the companionship and touch of my beloved.

He'll be home in less than 12 hours now (well, provided we don't experience yet another flight delay!) and we can't wait! In the meantime, I was greeted at the door by a wonderful surprise...

Thank you, Honey! Thank you for thinking of us and praying for us while you're away. Thank you for blessing me with some beauty today as I anticipte your return!

I love you!


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! I hope you have a wonderful reunion when he gets home!

Anonymous said...

That was so incredibly sweet! You are very blessed (and I know you know that). Been praying for you this week :-)


Ronette said...

Isn't he sweet? Our reunion was wonderful, as always. I even got up with On the Loose this morning so that he could sleep as long as he wanted with no interruption.

Thanks for praying for us, Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!

I know there was a period of a year and a half of our marriage (when the kids were about 10,7, and 4 years old), when my hubby was not home for as long as six weeks at a stretch. That was hard.

Is this is temproary state of business busyness?

Goodwife H.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie your husband is, Ronette!