Sunday, January 11, 2009

What to Blog About?

So, I'm trying to define a purpose in my head for my blog. I do enjoy blogging. I like keeping track of some of my thoughts and pictures. It can definitely be helpful to think out loud so to speak.

I know I do have some regular readers and often wonder how boring and disjointed I sound to others. 

As a result, I'm asking myself, "What should I blog about?" What can I say that is interesting and encouraging to those gracious enough to visit me? Should I have a routine? Should I mainly stick to certain subjects? Should I be more focussed? (Coming from a very ADD person, I should always be more focussed. :-))

Just thinking out loud and asking what you might want to hear (or see) from me...and with that, I'm headed to bed for the night. :-)


Imcombobulated said...

As another homeschooling mom, I love hearing about your homeschool!

Anonymous said...

I am a disjointed mess (or rather my blog is), so blogging randomness daily works well for me.

Brenna said...

Well, being your daughter, I don't really care what you blog about. However, I do love your new template. =P

Anonymous said...

You know, my blog has a variety and I think that is what I like in other blogs too. (though, there are a few that I like that revolve around one subject - one of them is a nature study blog and the other is a strictly charlotte mason blog.)

Things I enjoy reading from you, Ronette: sharing what the Lord is teaching you, scriptures that you have mentioned/learned from, homeschooling, your family, and of course I love any posts with pictures!! :)

Jen U. said...

I don't find your blog boring at all Ronette. i enjoy hearing about your life.

Edwena said...

Keep doing what you're doing! I enjoy reading it.