Friday, November 14, 2008

Name change here! :-)

Last February, I posted about giving my kids nicknames. They voted against the names I had chosen and came up with those you see me using regularly here.

Today, I am changing one of their names. Why, you ask? I picked up Screwloose from his driver's training (still hurts to type it--LOL!!) lesson and the teacher said, "He did really well on the freeway today!" What? I thought she was joking; just trying to get a reaction out of me. Reading her face told me she was not joking. :-)

She took my "baby" onto the freeway and he did well? My heart skipped a beat or two. Those who live here in Southern California (or who have driven here) will know why. The freeways here are insane! Drivers are aggressive, distracted and, sometimes, downright reckless. Not only did she take him out on the freeway but she took him out at 3pm on a Friday afternoon! Rush hour, southern California, beginning of the weekend...I'm really glad I didn't know ahead of time (although Screwloose said he told me this was today's lesson--I must have blocked it out LOL!!) or I would have been a nervous wreck!

All this to say that my son has been turned loose on the freeways of Southern California! He is no longer Screwloose, but shall, from now on, be known as Turned Loose! To all of my local friends: You have been duly warned! LOL!!


Amanda Towne said...

Whew! The highways (that's what we call them here LOL) are still safe in New England! At least for another 4-5 years, until Eli gets his license! LOL

Unknown said...


I think your brain may have used a little selective filtering when he told you about this lesson! LOL

I remember my dad talking about the freeways. It's interstate here, but he always called major roadways 'the freeway'. to drive any old way. LOL

Sorry. I'm thinking that's not helping the mom anxiety.

Ronette said...

Uhhh...yeah, Lisa...not helping. LOL!!

This is not fun, girls! :-)

Anonymous said...

I would much rather have him turned loose on the freeways than half of the other people that are out there driving! He is at least smart and conscientious.

Good luck "turned loose"

Mrs. Esposito